Hard Drive Degausser

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Finding manual degausser, which means buying those devices you need to professionally delete hard drives, is not that easy.

However, what advantages do Degausser have, which one uses manually, compared to those Degausser which one calls automatic Degausser, that can be found out, if one has already worked manually.

Manually many processes can be controlled much better and the application possibilities are numerous.

You can buy those devices that manually change existing data and these manual degausser can handle a variety of tasks that are relevant to you. The immense choice of degausser, be it manual or automatic, allows anyone interested or every customer to find the device that optimally handles the tasks to be done and is also within the desired price range to be maintained.

VS Security Systems

SV91M - Degausser for Cassettes and Hard Drives

The Verity Systems SV91M Degausser is a low-noise, manually operated high-performance degausser. It erases cassettes in 12 seconds and hard drives in three minutes, suitable for DLT, DAT, and PC hard drives. With 7,000 Gauss and a throughput of 20 hard drives or 40 tapes per hour, it provides a cost-effective degaussing solution.
$3,587.77 ilma maksudeta
VS Security Systems

V91 Max HDD and Tape Degausser

The manual V91 HDD Max degausser is a powerful second-generation degausser, specifically designed for the complete data erasure of hard drives and backup tapes. With a strong magnetic field of 7000 Gauss, it erases data in just 12 seconds per medium. This cost-effective device is ideal for operators with low volumes who need a reliable solution for secure degaussing and data destruction.
$3,587.77 ilma maksudeta

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