Řešení pro označování lahví a válcových předmětů

1-18 z 18

Etiketovací stroje na lahve, sklenice (bez úchytu), lahvičky na koření nebo jiné válcové nádoby. Vhodné pro malou až středně velkou výrobu.

START International

LAB01 Zásobník na štítky

LAB01 je ruční aplikátor etiket na lahve. Pro etikety široké 1 až 6,5" (25 až 165 mm) a dlouhé 0,5 až 12" (13 až 305 mm).
$875.75 bez DPH

Aplikátor etiket na lahve DTM AP380e

Poloautomatická etiketovačka lahví s integrovaným navíječem nosného materiálu. Zpracuje až 1500 etiket za hodinu - o 30 % rychleji než předchozí modely.
$2,002.50 bez DPH

Aplikátor štítků AP360e

Etiketovací stroj Primera AP360e pro etikety v rolích. Může nanášet etikety na předměty, jako jsou láhve (až 1200 za hodinu). Nabízí se s napětím 100-240 VAC, zástrčka Euro, CE.
$1,667.82 bez DPH

LAB8501 Obalovací etiketovač pro lahve, sklenice a nádoby

Etiketovač Wrap Around je vhodný pro etiketování lahví, sklenic a jiných kulatých nádob. Lze ji použít jako samostatnou jednotku nebo ji začlenit do stávající výrobní linky. Jednotka je vysokorychlostní etiketovač lahví a sklenic.
Výzva pro stanovení cen

LAB8515 Vysokorychlostní ovíječka etiket

Vysokorychlostní etiketovací stroj Wraparound je vhodný pro kulaté nádoby. Systém lze použít jako samostatnou jednotku nebo jako integrované řešení ve stávající výrobní lince. Jedná se o vysokorychlostní etiketovačku Wraparound na lahve a sklenice.
Výzva pro stanovení cen

BenchMARK Semi-Automatic Labeller

The BenchMARK is an entry-level electric label applicator specifically designed for round containers such as bottles, capable of labeling up to 900 containers per hour with a single operator. It is suitable for diameters from 10mm to 110mm and applies both single and front and back labels.
$4,037.36 bez DPH

BenchDELUXE Semi-Automatic Labeller

The BenchDELUXE Semi-Automatic Labeling Machine ensures precise labeling for jars, bottles, and cans at speeds of up to 1,400 bottles per hour, enhancing efficiency for small batches and large-scale production across various industries.
$5,440.78 bez DPH

AP362e Aplikátor štítků

Aplikátor etiket Primera AP362e pro etikety v rolích. Dokáže uložit až dvě etikety na předměty, jako jsou lahve s aplikací (až 1200 za hodinu) 100-240 VAC, Euro zástrčka, CE
Výzva pro stanovení cen
Strojírenské výrobky ADR

LAB8050 Etiketovač pro válcové nádoby

Zažijte efektivitu a flexibilitu s LAB8050, výkonným řešením pro etiketování lahví a nádob. Objevte maximální produktivitu v malých výrobách.
Výzva pro stanovení cen

The Best Labeling Machines for Bottles and Efficient Labeling

What Are Bottle Labeling Machines?

Bottle labeling machines are specialized devices designed to automatically and accurately apply labels to bottles, cans, and jars. They are used across various industries such as beverages, food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, ensuring consistent and professional product labeling. The information required by law on labels plays a crucial role in consumer information and sales success.

Whether for wine bottles, beer bottles, cans, or other items, these machines offer a reliable solution for comprehensive labeling. With a range of features and models, they enable businesses to label their products efficiently and to a high standard. Labels not only enhance visual appeal but also fulfill legal requirements b including ingredients, manufacturing dates, and expiration information.

LAB8050 - A Labeling Machine for Bottles, Cans, and Cylindrical Containers

Looking to upgrade your production with a top-tier bottle labeler? Explore our extensive range of labeling machines to find the perfect solution for your needs. Contact us for more information and personalized advice. Start today and present your products flawlessly!

Features and Benefits of Bottle Labeling Machines

Labeling bottles, also known as bottle labeling, is crucial in industries like wine, beer, and pharmaceuticals. A comprehensive labeling machine efficiently and quickly label cylindrical products such as bottles, cans, and jars.

These labeling machines allow for rapid and precise label application, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in production lines. Compared to manual labeling, they offer significant advantages, including consistent label placement on various bottle sizes and shapes, reduced errors, and the ability to handle large volumes of products quickly.

In the beverage, food, and cosmetic industries, these machines help businesses label bottles efficiently and to a high standard.

Types of Bottle Labeling Machines

There are several types of bottle labeling machines, each suited to different needs and applications:

Manual Labeling Machines:

Manual labeling machines are a flexible solution for smaller production runs and handcrafted products. They allow for precise and individual label application, as handling is directly performed by the operator.

These machines are particularly useful for businesses that need to use various label sizes and formats without investing in complex automated systems. They are easy to operate and require minimal training. For example, the LAB01 labeler is ideal for small batches of bottles, cans, jars, and other cylindrical objects.

Semi-Automatic Labeling Machines:

These machines require some manual intervention but offer greater efficiency and accuracy compared to fully manual methods. They are a cost-effective solution for smaller operations or production lines with moderate volumes.

Semi-automatic label applicators are typically operated by a button or pedal to activate the labeling process. ADR AG also offers solutions with integrated printers for adding expiration dates or serial numbers.

Halbautomatische Flaschenetikettiermaschine mit Drucker

Fully Automatic Labeling Machines

Fully automatic labeling machines provide the highest efficiency, operating without human intervention and are especially suitable for large production volumes. They are perfect for industrial labeling of bottles, cans, and other round containers, ensuring rapid and precise label application and easy integration into existing production lines.

The LAB8050 labeler is an excellent example for small productions. These machines can be equipped with additional modules to meet specific requirements, such as a thermal printer for printing expiration dates.

Fully automatic labeling machines are the top choice for large companies reliant on efficiency and high production numbers.

Applications of Bottle Labeling Machines

Bottle labeling machines are used across various industries to ensure precise and efficient labeling. In the beverage industry, bottle labeling is crucial for consistent brand presentation. Here are some key application areas:

Beverage Industry:

These machines are essential for labeling bottles of beer, wine, water and soft drinks. They ensure seamless application of labels on various bottle sizes and shapes, providing a consistent brand presentation. Proper labeling enhances brand perception and consumer trust.

LAB8050 - perfekt geeignet für das Etikettieren von Weinflaschen und Champagnerflaschen

Food Industry:

Bottle labeling machines are frequently used for labeling jars and bottles of products like jams, honey, sauces, and other packaged goods. They provide and efficient solution for product labeling and branding. Clear and readable labels are crucial for providing consumers with necessary information, and labeling machines ensure correct and complete label application.

Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Industry:

In these sectors, labeling machines ensure correct labeling of products such as shampoos, lotions, perfumes, medical products, and supplements. They ensure compliance with legal regulations and enhance the aesthetic appeal of packaging. Accurate label placement is essential for clear product information and preventing confusion. In the pharmaceutical industry, precise labels are vital for safety and correct use.

Bottle labeling machines offer a versatile solution for accurate and appealing label application. They are essential for businesses that prioritize high-quality packaging and product labeling. Whether labeling everyday consumer goods or specialized products, these machines provide the necessary precision and flexibility.

Etikettiermaschine für Reagenzgläser, Sptizen und Lippenstiften

Buying Guide for Bottle Labeling Machines

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bottle Labeling Machine

When purchasing a bottle labeling machine, consider factors such as label size and type, desired production speed, and budget. It is advisable to read reviews and comparisons to find the best machine for your specific needs. Additional considerations include compatibility with existing production lines, ease of maintenance, and manufacturer support. Some machines offer additional features such as variable data printing, which is particularly relevant for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Another important aspect is the machine's adaptability to different bottle types and sizes. Ensure that the labeling machine is flexible enough to handle various products, especially if your product range changes frequently. Investing in a high-quality machine can save costs in the long run by reducing downtime and maintenance expenses.

If you need guidance, do not hesitate to contact us. Our expert team will help you find the right solution and guide you through the selection process to ensure your requirements are met. We also offer training to ensure your staff can operate the machines efficiently and safely.


Bottle labeling machines are essential for professional and efficient product labeling. When choosing a machine, consider features, price, and reviews to find the best solution for your specific needs. Whether manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic, there is a machine to suit every production size and requirement. Invest in the right labeling machine to ensure your products are always presented perfectly. A well-chosen labeling machine can make a significant difference in the productivity and quality of your production line.

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