Duplicatori chiavette USB

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Duplicatori per chiavette USB e stazioni di duplicazione per chiavette USB realizzate dai gruppi ADR, TEAC e Microboards, per copiare i vostri dati dal master originale a un numero massimo di 118 dispositivi in modo pratico e veloce. Indipendentemente dal numero di slot per USB, i sistemi di seguito riportati sono tutti estremamente affidabili e tecnologicamente all'avanguardia e funzionano in modalità standalone, senza l'ausilio di un PC.

USB Duplicators and Flash copiers by ADR 

If you are looking for a reliable and customizable USB stick copier, ADR AG has the perfect solution for you. Our USB duplicators are designed to handle various types of flash memory, ensuring fast and accurate data transfer. Whether you need to copy USB devices, flash drives, or require additional features like write protection and analysis functions, our USB stick copiers can meet your needs. We also offer the flexibility to build custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Additionally, we provide high-quality USB sticks that are compatible with our USB stick copiers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

High Quality USB Sticks

With our extensive experience in the industry, we understand the importance of using reliable and high-quality USB sticks. That's why we only supply sticks that are compatible with our USB stick copiers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Whether you're in need of a standard USB stick copier or a custom solution tailored to your specific requirements, ADR AG is here to provide you with the ultimate USB duplicator for all your copying needs.

Non esitate a contattarci:

ADR Italia / Bologna

+39 051 0393873

o scriveteci via e-mail:
[email protected]

ADR Europe /
Sede centrale - Germania


oppure scriveteci via e-mail:
[email protected]

ADR Malta

+356 790 51811

o scriveteci via e-mail:
[email protected]

ADR Irlanda

+353 (1) 231 2805

o scriveteci via e-mail:
[email protected]

ADR Australia /

+61 (0) 40 88 11 592

o scriveteci via e-mail:
[email protected]

ADR Sud Est Asiatico

+65-9863 4532

o scriveteci via e-mail:
[email protected]

ADR Irland

+353 (1) 231 2805

or write an e-mail to
[email protected]

ADR AG Team Belegschaft