USB / SD / Flash / HDD-produkter

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Dupliker nemt USB-nøgler og flashmedier

ADR USB & Flash Duplication-teknologi giver dig mulighed for hurtigt og nemt at kopiere USB-nøgler, SD/MicroSD-kort, CF-kort osv. uden behov for en værtscomputer. De intuitive brugergrænseflader gør det muligt for enhver nybegynder at køre duplikering af store mængder med succes og uden besvær.

Hurtig og nem dataoverførsel

Med ADR's USB-drev/Flash-duplikatorer kan du samtidig lave op til 118 kopier af et kilde-USB-drev/Flash-kort. Du kan endda kopiere data hurtigt og sikkert mellem forskellige typer medier som USB-nøgler, SD (SecureDigital) / Micro SD-kort eller CF (Compact Flash)-kort. Desuden kan kopieringsresultater sammenlignes med kilden via en bit-for-bit-sammenligningsfunktion. Flere formaterings- og slettefunktioner er også tilgængelige for at imødekomme forskellige behov for datasanering.

Ud over vores standard duplikatorløsning tilbyder vi også individualiserede dataoverførselsløsninger, der opfylder interface- og databasekravene i dit miljø, herunder flere kopibeskyttelsesløsninger, skrivebeskyttede partitioner eller specialiserede flashformater.

USB Stick Store

ADR USB Duplicator: The Ultimate USB Stick Copier

USB and flash copier for every need

In this category you will find various USB stick copiers. Whether you simply want to copy usb devices or usb flash drives, or search for a solution with write protection and analysis functions. USB duplicators are highly efficient in handling flash memory, ensuring high-speed data transfer and accuracy in data cloning. The company ADR AG supplies you USB stick copiers for every need. Here you will find USB stick copiers from different manufacturers. We can supply you with the proven ADR systems or, on request, alternatives from other manufacturers.

In addition to the standard models of USB stick copiers, we can also build special solutions according to your needs. We build custom hardware and software that can be tailored exactly to customer requirements. So it is possible to develop a USB stick copier according to your needs.

Additionally you find in this category our shop for USB sticks. When producing USB sticks, it is important to use qualitative sticks. Even the best USB stick copier fails due to bad USB sticks. For this reason, we only supply high quality sticks that are compatible with our USB stick copiers.

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